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Newbie Author? Learn 12 Ways to Promote a Self Published Book!

In the ever-evolving world of publishing, self-published authors face the unique challenge of not only writing a great book but also promoting it effectively. With millions of books vying for readers’ attention, knowing how to promote a self-published book can make the difference between obscurity and success. This comprehensive guide will explore 12 powerful strategies to help you market your self-published book and reach your target audience.

Table of Contents

1. Build Your Author Platform

a. Create an author website optimized for SEO

Your author website is the central hub of your online presence. Ensure it’s optimized for search engines by using relevant keywords, creating quality content, and providing a seamless user experience. Include an engaging author bio, information about your books, and a blog to attract and retain visitors.

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Blogging is an excellent way to showcase your expertise and attract potential readers. Write articles that align with your book’s theme or genre to build authority in your niche. Consistent, high-quality content can help improve your website’s SEO and draw in your target audience.

c. Develop an email list of potential readers and fellow authors

Building an email list is crucial for long-term success. Offer a compelling lead magnet, such as a free chapter or short story, to encourage sign-ups. Regular newsletters can keep your audience engaged and informed about your latest work and promotions.

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Credit: TikTok

a. Create engaging 15-60 second videos about your book

TikTok has become a powerful platform for book promotion, especially through the #BookTok trend. Create short, engaging videos that highlight your book’s key themes, characters, or plot points. Use trending sounds and formats to increase your chances of reaching the coveted For You Page (FYP).

Also Read: How to Market on TikTok: A 4 Step Guide to Grow Your Brand

Leverage popular BookTok hashtags to increase your discoverability. Some effective hashtags include #BookTok, #BookRecommendations, and #AuthorTok. Research and use genre-specific hashtags as well to reach your target audience.

Engage with the BookTok community by participating in popular challenges and trends. This can help increase your visibility and connect you with potential readers who are actively seeking new books to read.

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3. Utilize Goodreads for Author Promotion

Credit: Goodreads

a. Set up your Goodreads Author Profile

Goodreads is a vital platform for book discovery. Create and optimize your Goodreads Author Profile with a professional photo, compelling bio, and links to your website and social media profiles.

b. Host a Goodreads Q&A session

Engage directly with your readers by hosting a Q&A session on Goodreads. This allows you to build a personal connection with your audience and generate buzz around your book.

c. Create a Goodreads Giveaway for your book

Organize a book giveaway on Goodreads to generate interest and reviews. This can help increase your book’s visibility and attract potential readers.

3. Harness the Power of Book Bloggers and Reviewers

a. Identify and reach out to book bloggers in your genre

Research and connect with book bloggers who review books in your genre. Personalize your outreach and offer them a free copy of your book in exchange for an honest review.

b. Offer free review copies in exchange for honest reviews

Providing free review copies can help generate early reviews and build buzz around your book. Be sure to follow platform guidelines when soliciting reviews.

c. Create a media kit for bloggers and reviewers

Develop a professional media kit that includes your book cover, synopsis, author bio, and any press mentions or accolades. This makes it easier for bloggers and reviewers to feature your book.

4. Organize Virtual Book Reading Sessions

a. Use platforms like Zoom or TikTok Live for virtual readings

Host virtual book readings to connect with your audience and showcase your work. Platforms like Zoom or TikTok Live can help you reach a global audience from the comfort of your home.

b. Collaborate with local libraries or bookstores for online events

Partner with local libraries or bookstores to host virtual events. This can help you tap into their existing audience and add credibility to your book promotion efforts.

c. Incorporate Q&A sessions with your audience

Include interactive Q&A sessions during your virtual events to engage your audience and build a stronger connection with your readers.

5. Leverage Amazon’s Marketing Tools

Credit: Amazon Author Central

a. Optimize your Amazon Author Central page

Create and optimize your Amazon Author Central page with a professional photo, compelling bio, and links to your website and social media profiles. This helps establish your credibility on the platform.

b. Use Amazon Advertising to promote your book

Utilize Amazon’s advertising tools to increase your book’s visibility on the platform. Start with a small budget and experiment with different ad types to find what works best for your book.

c. Enroll in Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Select for additional promotion options

Consider enrolling in KDP Select to access additional promotional tools, such as free book promotions and Kindle Countdown Deals.

6. Create a Book Trailer

Credit: Scholastic

a. Develop a compelling 30-60 second video trailer

Create a short, engaging book trailer that captures the essence of your story. Use visuals, music, and text to entice potential readers and generate interest in your book.

b. Share your trailer on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok

Distribute your book trailer across various social media platforms to maximize its reach. Each platform has its own best practices for video content, so tailor your approach accordingly.

c. Use the trailer in Amazon ads and on your author website

Incorporate your book trailer into your Amazon ads and feature it prominently on your author website to provide potential readers with a quick, engaging overview of your book.

7. Participate in Online Writing Communities or Forums

a. Join and engage in writing forums (e.g., AbsoluteWrite, WritersCafe)

Participate in online writing communities to connect with fellow authors and potential readers. Share your experiences, offer advice, and build relationships within the writing community.

b. Participate in Twitter pitch events like #PitMad

Take part in Twitter pitch events like #PitMad to showcase your book to literary agents and publishers. Even if you’re not seeking traditional publication, these events can help generate interest in your work.

Engage with writing-related communities on platforms like Reddit or Facebook. Share your knowledge, participate in discussions, and subtly promote your book when appropriate.

8. Utilize Instagram for Visual Book Promotion

Credit: Instagram

a. Create visually appealing posts featuring your book cover

Design eye-catching Instagram posts that showcase your book cover and key quotes or themes from your work. Use high-quality images and consistent branding to create a cohesive author profile.

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b. Use Instagram Stories to share behind-the-scenes content

Leverage Instagram Stories to share behind-the-scenes content about your writing process, book launch preparation, or daily life as an author. This helps humanize your brand and build a stronger connection with your audience.

c. Don’t forget to use bookstagram hashtags (#Bookstagram, #InstaBook, #BookWorm)

Utilize popular bookstagram hashtags to increase your discoverability on Instagram. Research and use relevant hashtags that align with your book’s genre and target audience.

9. Implement Email Marketing Strategies

a. Create a lead magnet (e.g., free chapter, short story) to grow your email list

Develop a compelling lead magnet, such as a free chapter or exclusive short story, to encourage email sign-ups. This helps you build a list of engaged readers interested in your work.

b. Develop an email sequence to nurture subscribers and promote your book

Create an email nurture sequence that introduces new subscribers to your work, shares valuable content, and ultimately promotes your book. Email marketing can be a powerful tool for building relationships with your readers and driving book sales.

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c. Use email segmentation to tailor messages to different reader groups

Segment your email list based on reader preferences, engagement levels, or purchase history to deliver more targeted and relevant content to your subscribers.

10. Collaborate with Other Authors

a. Organize multi-author book bundles or box sets

Partner with other authors in your genre to create multi-author book bundles or box sets. This can help you reach new readers and cross-promote each other’s work.

b. Participate in cross-promotions with authors in your genre

Engage in cross-promotions with fellow authors, such as newsletter swaps or social media shoutouts, to expand your reach and tap into each other’s audiences.

c. Guest post on other authors’ blogs and invite them to yours

Exchange guest posts with other authors to provide fresh content for your respective audiences and gain exposure to new potential readers.

11. Utilize Podcast Appearances

a. Identify and reach out to podcasts in your book’s niche

Research and connect with podcasts that cater to your book’s genre or themes. Pitch yourself as a guest, highlighting your unique perspective and the value you can bring to their audience.

b. Prepare engaging talking points about your book and writing process

Develop a list of engaging talking points about your book, writing process, and industry insights to ensure you provide value to the podcast audience.

c. Create a dedicated landing page for podcast listeners

Design a special landing page for podcast listeners that offers exclusive content or promotions related to your book. This helps track the effectiveness of your podcast appearances and encourages listeners to take action.

12. Implement Retargeting Ads

a. Set up Facebook Pixel on your author website

Install the Facebook Pixel on your author website to track visitor behavior and create targeted advertising campaigns.

b. Create retargeting ads for visitors who viewed your book page

Develop Facebook ads that specifically target users who have visited your book page but haven’t made a purchase. These ads can serve as reminders and provide additional incentives to buy.

Also Read: How to Target Audience on Facebook? 11 Tips for Effective Ads!

c. Develop a multi-touch retargeting campaign across platforms

Create a comprehensive retargeting strategy that reaches potential readers across multiple platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and display networks, to maximize your chances of conversion.

Promoting a self-published book requires dedication, creativity, and a multi-faceted approach. By implementing these 12 strategies, you can significantly increase your book’s visibility and reach your target audience. Remember that book promotion is an ongoing process, and consistency is key to long-term success.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of promoting your self-published book, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Our digital marketing team at Katartizo specializes in digital marketing services and can help you develop a tailored marketing strategy to maximize your book’s potential. Contact us today to learn how we can support your author journey and help your self-published book achieve the success it deserves.

Friyanka K

Friyanka Khowara is a passionate SEO Specialist with a deep interest in the digital marketing field. With a background in SEO, she strives in optimizing websites to improve search engine rankings and drive targeted traffic.